fredag 10. august 2012

I'm falling in love...

Først en liten oppklaring - dette er ikke et eple. Det er en appelsin. Sy-appelsin. Dumme meg burde jo ha sett riktig. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" heter det. Ja ja, jeg har jo nettopp vært hos legen og skal tilbake om mindre enn to uker. Marit, du må sy meg et eple også!

First I have to make one thing straight - this is not an apple. It is an orange. A sewing orange. Silly me ought to know. 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away' goes the saying. Oh well, I saw the doctor a few days ago and will see him again in less than two weeks. Marit, you have to make me an apple also!

Nå har det blitt mye søm på meg i det siste, og jeg hadde lyst til å ta fram strikkepinnene. Jeg har lest mye om et garn som skulle være så fantastisk, og lette etter nettbutikker som førte garnet. Butikken til produsenten var utsolgt for omtrent alt garnet jeg kikket på, men så kom jeg over den nederlandske butikken yarnissima. Bestilling ble gjort og leveransen var snart på døra.

I have done much sewing lately, and today I felt like knitting. I have read much about a yarn that was supposed to be just wonderful, and searched for webshops carrying the yarn. The producer's shop was sold out of almost everything, but then I came across the Dutch store Yarnissima. An order was placed and pretty soon the parcel was in my mailbox.

Det var jo så morsomt å åpne pakken! Omtrent som julaften ( bortsett fra at jeg hadde bestilt det selv...). Pent innpakket i cellofan og matchende silkepapir, og med fjær og bånd og silkeblomst og en liten Toblerone.

It was great fun to open the parcel! Almost like Christmas ( except that I had ordered it myself...). Neatly wrapped in cellophane and matching tissue, and with a feather and ribbon and silkflower and a small Toblerone.

Garnet var Woolmeisse, og i dag tenkte jeg at det kunne være gøy å prøve det. I tillegg til de store hespene hadde jeg kjøpt en sampler med flere små nøster. Dette kunne jo bli sokker til Smårusket :-)

The yarn was Woolmeisse, and now I thought I would try it out. In addition to the two skeins, I bought a sampler with six small balls of different yarns. They would make great socks for the wee one :-)

Og det er her jeg blir forelsket. Snakk om å strikke med en blanding av mykt smør og silke! Oi oi oi. Glemt er alle stygge tanker om ikke strikke med tynt garn og tynne pinner. Nøstene var forresten så små (ca 15 g hver) at jeg fant det best å strikke striper av flere sorter. Deilig i fingrene :-)

And this is where I fell in love. It was almost like knitting with a mix of soft butter and silk. Oh my! All nasty thoughts about never to knit with thin yarn and needles are forgotten. The balls were so small (approximately 15 g each) so I made stripes using several balls. Lovely to work with :-).

6 kommentarer:

  1. If the wee one is my wee one, would you please knit her some mittens too? Pleeeeease!

  2. Such a pretty Sewing Orange!
    I really LOVE those beautiful yarns and how you combined them to make such wonderful socks!

  3. love that orange Siri and they are the cutest little socks,well done.xx

  4. I love your orange !! very cute !!
    I hope you're OK with your feet ! Lucky girl, you have been spoiled lately !!!
    Enjoy your days withyour little friend !

  5. LOL I saw the orange and read apple and somehow didn't notice. LOL

    OO that yarn looks so strokable. I've just made sample socks from the "2 at a time from the toes up socks" book and it was easy to follow the new technique with so many pictures. Knitting socks that way means you can make socks longer in the leg to avoid having tiny bits left over. I can recommend it.
