søndag 30. september 2012

A black belt surprise

Junior fikk sitt sorte belte i Taekwon-do i fjor høst. Å se på graderingen var noe av det mest spennende jeg har vært med på som firebarns-mor :-)
Når man har sort belte, skal også drakten ha sort kant. Nå kommer ikke draktene med sort kant, det må man sy på selv. Eller rettere sagt - det må mamma sy på!

Junior got his black belt in Taekwon-do last fall. To watch the gradation was some of the most thrilling events I have been through as mother of four :-)
If you have black belt, you are also supposed to have a black border on your suit. The suits come all white, and you have to sew the black border on yourself. Or your mother has to do it!

On noen få dager reiser han sammen med andre i klubben sin til ITF Word cup i Brighton. Med 1600 påmeldte og en ukes turnering blir det en spennende opplevelse.
I denne sporten - som i flere andre - er det regler angående konkurransedrakten. Internasjonale regler sier at beltet skal være kortere enn det som brukes i Norge.

In a few days, he and his friends are leaving for ITF world cup in Brighton. There will be 1600 participants, and the tournament will last a week, so it will be an exciting event. In this sport, as in others, there are dress codes. International rules says the belt has to be shorter than what we have in Norway.

Jeg fikk i oppgave å sy på sort silkebånd på den nye drakten han hadde fått, og forkorte beltet og brodere på romertallet I. (Dette står for graden hans.). Men det var så mye igjen av beltet at jeg bestemte meg for å lage en overraskelse til ham. Skip var helt enig, og var min gode hjelper.

I was given the task of sewing a black silk ribbon on his new suit, and shorten the belt and embroider the roman numeral I (his grade). There was so much left of the belt that I decided to make him a surprise. Skip agreed this was a good idea, and acted as my good assitant.

Jeg hadde liggende et stoff med Taekwon-do eller Karate på, og hadde planlagt å lage julegave til ham av dette. Men med en ukes forestående reise var det jo en betimelig anledning nå til å sy en ny toalettveske. Resten av beltet, med gullbrodering, fikk plass foran, og foret ble sydd i fotball-stoff. Så sydde jeg også inn navnet hans inne i vesken.
God tur, Junior!

I had some cute Taekwon-do or Karate fabric that I had planned to use for a Christmas present for him, but as he was going to be away for a week now, I decided it would be fun to make him a toilet bag. The rest of the belt, including the gold letters, is on the front, the lining has football print, and I embroidered his name inside.
Enjoy your trip, Junior!

4 kommentarer:

  1. good luck in your competition and hope he has a lot of fun.xx

  2. Så fin toalettmappen ble, lykke til til ham.

  3. Well done Mum !! and congratulations to your son !

  4. Congratulations to your son. I hope he has a lovel time in Brighton in spite of the rainy weather we are having. My daughter is just along the coast in Portsmouth so I get the weather report from her.

    What a lot of work in a rush! Well done! The bag is a great idea for the excess belt. He must be so proud of your creative ability.
