tirsdag 26. mars 2013

Jane comes for Easter

Påskeferie og tid til å gjøre hyggelige ting :-) Samboeren har nettopp operert hofta, så vi holder oss hjemme. Hundene og jeg drar på tur i nærområdet, og nyter naturen!

Easter holiday and time to do nice things. My partner just had a hip surgery, so we are staying at home. The dogs and I take short trips in the local area, and we are enjoying the scenery!

Det er en god stund siden jeg har jobbet med Dear Jane, men nå har jeg tatt det fram igjen. For å gjøre det enkelt og oversiktlig har jeg bestemt meg for å gjøre ferdig en og en rad. Jeg har klargjort alle A-blokkene, og har bare igjen å sy fire av de :-)

It has been a while since I last worked on Dear Jane, but now I got her out again. To make it easy to keep track of where I am at, I have decided to finish one row at a time. I have prepped all the A-block, and have only four of them left :-)

A1, Pinwheel Gone Awry.

A2, One, two, buckle my shoe.

A3, Hunter's moon

A4, Courtney's Stethoscope.

A4 har små biter! Jeg la en penn ved siden av mønsteret for å vise størrelsen. Jammen greit å sy på papir på slike blokker!

A4 has tiny parts. Just to show the size, I put a pen next to the pattern. It really is smart doing this by sewing on paper!

A9, Cabin fever. This block concists of 45 pieces (remember, the blocks are only 5 inches square!) , and just as the previous block, the pieces for A9 are quite small.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Siri,
    I am sewing the dear jane as well. It is a struggel. But we will suceed.
    Warm Wishes and all the best to you and your partner.

  2. Lovely blocks Siri! Have a wonderful Easter :-)

  3. Love the tiny blocks. Wishing your partner a quick recovery.

  4. Beautiful blocks Siri! Congratulations on your accomplishment.
    Wishing you a very Happy Easter!

  5. Great progress Siri.

    I hope your partner recovers well. Our neightbour had her hip done. She was encouraged to do gentle exercise.

  6. Bravo for all this blocs !!
    Happy Easter !
