I cannot remember how old I was when my mother taught me to knit. Eight or nine years old, perhaps. First I made things for my dolls, but when I was 12 I knitted my first sweater. The garment is long gode, but I still have the pattern. I am not showing this pattern here, but would like to show you some older patterns :-)
I just had an excursion to the bottom of my chest where I keep some yarn and wool. There I found patterns that I had forgotten all about. Some were rather new, and some were from when I was little. Which means they were about 50 years old or so. Almost antique... My mother has probably made this sweater for me, even though I cannot remember it.
In Norway, old traditional knitting patterns have become very popular again. When I was a teenager, I made several sweaters and gave my relatives in the US. Now I found four patterns for the same sweater from the valley of Setesdal. Several generations, you might say. The one with the embroidered collar is very special! I made the black sweater on the bottom left about 30 years ago, and I am still using it :-)
This pattern is called Eskimo, and is the first published pattern from the Norwegian knitting designer Unn Soyland in 1952. It became very popular in other countries, and was the first of a long line of "Norwegian sweaters" that tourist buy when there are in Norway :-)
I have some old pattern books that I got from my mother. She told me that she knitted from the Mark's book when she was expecting me, and was sure I would look like the cute baby on the front. Of course I did!
The jewel in the collection must be this knitting book from 1950. A bit used, but oh my - such great patterns!
Would you like to knit your own underwear?
Or a swimsuit? Very fashionable, it says...
Some of the patterns are very elegant...
While others are just adorable :-)
Now I am tempted to say that I would start to collect old knitting patterns for real... This I got at the Christmas marked last weekend!