tirsdag 17. juli 2012

Tour de Fibre fair and square...

Dette skulle bli den store male-huset-dagen. Hadde avtalt med meteorologene at det skulle gå an. Men neida, her har vi hatt oppholdsvær lenge, men akkurat i dag åpnet slusene seg. Til tross for det ble resten av gårsdagens vegg forandret fra rød til hvit.
Etter matpausen ble det shopping- og sy-vær, ikke at det var så ille da...

This was supposed to be the great paint-the-house-day, and I had come to an agreement with the meteorologist. Bus alas, after several days of no rain, the showers came today. I did manage to finish the rest of the wall from yesterday, but after the lunchbreak I decided that the remainder of the day was ment for shopping and sewing. Rather ok, really....

Shopping: Jeg hadde tre ting på handlelisten - vin, hundehalsbånd og nye rundpinner. Dette er ikke i prioritert rekkefølge, bare så det er sagt :)
Jeg har blitt veldig begeistret for strikkepinner av tre, og ble denne gangen overtalt til å prøve de nye firkantede som var kommet i butikken. Ok, firkantede strikkepinner? Seriøst?
På nettet leser jeg at de skal være gode å bruke for de som har leddgikt og slikt, så det kan være greit å prøve de ut.

Shopping: I had three things on my shopping list - wine, new collar for the puppy, and a new set of knitting needles. Listed in random order :)
I really fancy wooden knitting needles, and was now persuaded to try the new square ones they just had gotten in the store. Square needles? Really? On the Internet, I now find that it is supposed to work well for people with arthritis and such, so it is probably a good idea to try them out.

Syvær og syvær, fru Blom. Det ble bare klipping og kopiering. Vi reiser på ferie i midten av neste uke, og ettersom vi ikke skal til et sted med garantert sol og varme men til et hundevennlig sted i Sverige hvor det like gjerne kan regne, får jeg klargjøre masse håndarbeid. Bl.a. flere Dear Jane kantblokker som skal applikeres eller håndsyes.

Not much sewing, really. But cutting and copying. We leave for vacation next week, and as we are going to a dog-friendly place in Sweden and not to a sunny beach paradise, I better bring along lots of work in case of bad weather. There are several Dear Jane border blocks that are either appliqued or hand pieced.

Egentlig burde jeg tatt meg på tak og ryddet på arbeidsbordet. Snart finner jeg ikke igjen symaskina :(

What I really should do, was to tidy up my work table. Soon the sewing machine will be buried :(

2 kommentarer:

  1. lovely post Siri.xx CIJ

  2. Beautiful coloured wool. I hadn't heard of square knitting needles before. I hope you have lots of fun on your break. Unfortunately we explored a lot on ours so I haven't much to show for the time I spent away. Today though I will sew between loads of washing. Yes it was so wet and muddy that I am still in and out of the laundry room! I hope you have better weather for your break.
